Billing Machine

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Billing Machine for Retail & Hospitality Businesses

Billing Machines can help businesses to manage their billing efficiently and seamlessly. Therefore, these are often used by restaurants, stores and other businesses. These devices ensure high efficiency, speed, accuracy and hassle-free integration with other business systems.

Key features:

Speed and accuracy: These machines can perform transactions with high speed and accuracy. They even have thermal printers that generate invoices immediately so that the customers don’t have to wait for long. They are suited for businesses that have high traffic and need fast transactions with precision.

User-friendly: These billing machines have big LCD screens which can be easily used by anyone. These machines are pretty straightforward to use even for non-technical people. Hence, users don’t require special training to use them.

Customizing the billing template: Users can customize the business template to fit the business requirements. Businesses can add their logo, theme and other information to make it look more professional.

Easy tax and discount applications: The machine calculates the tax and discount automatically to save time and remove the need for manual calculations. So, there is a lesser chance of errors and helps with the seamless application of offers, loyalty discounts and other promotions.

Data storage and report generation: The billing print machine stores the data securely which can be used later to monitor sales trends and also generate reports to make informed decisions.

Durability and compactness: These machines are durable due to their robust designs. They can be easily stored due to their compact size.

Inventory management: These devices have the option to manage inventory, keeping track of stock levels in real-time.


High Efficiency: These machines make the transaction faster with high accuracy, thereby increasing efficiency. So, more customers can be served in less time making the billing seamless and faster.

Enhanced accuracy: Due to the billing machine’s auto tax calculation and inventory tracking, errors become less.

Cuts down cost: With the integration of billing, inventory management and payment systems, these devices reduce the cost of operation with the reduction in the number of devices.

Enhanced customer experience: With reduced wait time and multiple payment options, customers can enjoy hassle-free services.

Data-driven decision making: This report generation feature of these machines helps to make informed decisions based on the reports.

Usage Instructions:

Setup and Installation: First, plug your device into the power supply. Then ensure that it is connected to WiFi. Now, follow the steps instructed by Setup Wizard to choose payment options, inventory and taxes.

Entering products: Enter the product details manually or using a file using a USB or SD card slot into the machine.

Processing of bill: Input the product information, and the billing machine will automatically update the taxes and offers. Then, ask the customer for the payment options they want to use. Finally, process the payment and generate a receipt.

Generating reports: Reports can be generated using the reporting menu. Users can generate reports by choosing a date range.